Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Years ago I stood in my bedroom at my shitty apartment building, St. Tropez (pronounces by all tenants as STRO-PEZZZZ), on the East-of-La Brea-side-of-Hollywood and stared frustrated at my stereo. I was having a very bad day, having miscommunicated my intent drastically with a guy I was dating and ran him off completely. All I wanted was some music and a glass of wine to get me over the loss. Wine: check, music not so much. I was desperately trying to get some Beatles action and the damn stereo blatantly refused.

Instead, it kept jumping to Disc 3. Defeated, I just let it play what it wanted to play. After a moment of sitting there in sulky resistance, I realized the brilliant message the Universe was sending me. The song playing was the Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want." I was so struck with the moment that I played it on repeat all night. More wine was involved.

I'm reminded of the vivid "shut up and listen" communication sent by the eternal void because it's happened again today at my workstation on a particularly emotional day, and yes...it's happened with The Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want."

Add to that the fact that I have lost my voice in these last boisterous weeks of socialization...and I think I'm clearly getting a "shut up and listen" message again.

The recurrence of this song in my life is bizarre, especially because I'm not particularly the biggest Rolling Stones fan (I am a fan but they're down on my list quite a bit...). . Here it is though, time and time again frolicking out of my shitty speakers, highlighting the fact that sometimes the wants in life are just curtains, that they hide the truth behind them. How interesting that in both cases, years apart, The Stone's classic makes its appearance during a chapter of love and loss. I guess that means this Skeptic isn't fantastic with relationships, and wanting something doesn't equal "it's right."

So I have been quieted, and I have been reminded that sometimes...you get what you need.

Skeptically Yours.

1 comment:

MindofMurry said...

I think I'm at a shut up and listen phase of my own life right now...also...I miss the Stropezzz.